GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Inclusion & SEND

Our vision for all pupils is to ‘Achieve Excellence Together’. We are inclusive schools that celebrate each child’s individuality and achievements. We support everyone to achieve their potential. Where pupils have SEND we take a collaborative approach to provide child-centred support which enables them to achieve excellence.

“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive at this inclusive school.” Ofsted 

SEND Support at our school

We aim to teach every child in a way that allows them to succeed; identifying each pupil’s next step in learning and supporting them to achieve this.

For all pupils that require special needs provision, the school will work with parents to form a SEND Support Plan. Our support plans and packages are written collaboratively with parents, pupils, teachers and any external agencies. We follow an assess-plan-do-review cycle to review and refine the support we offer to pupils.

Full information on how we support pupils with SEND is available in our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report.

What to do if you have concerns about your child?

If you are concerned about your child's development or wish to have more information about how your child's additional needs can be supported in school, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance. Class teachers can be contacted via email on Alternatively, you can request a phone call by calling the school office on 01276 473346

If you wish to discuss your child's needs in more detail with a member of our Inclusion Team then please contact the school office. 

Our Inclusion Team consists of Thrive Practitioners, SENCo, Family Support and wider pastoral support services in our school. The team will consider who is best placed to deal with a concern and get the best services and strategies in place quickly. 

Our Inclusion Team

Mrs Beth Donnelly is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)

Mrs Val Goggin is our Pastoral Lead

Mrs Lisa Mann is our Thrive Practitioner

Our wider team includes teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants (HLTAs) who are trained to deliver SEN provision. Our School Strategy board member for Special Educational Needs holds QTS and is an experienced SENCo.

The Thrive Approach

We have introduced the Thrive Approach in Lightwater Village School and Hammond School. Our Thrive programme promotes emotional wellbeing, resilience and good mental health.

The Thrive Approach draws on insights from neuroscience, attachment theory and child development to provide a powerful way of working with children and young people that supports optimal social and emotional development. In particular, the approach equips our staff to work in a targeted way with children and young people who have struggled with difficult life events to help them re-engage with life and learning. 

For more information on support services available for children and young people with disabilities in the local area please visit the Surrey Local Offer website:

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Please see our documents below for more information on the provision in our school, full information on SEND in our school in our SEND Policy.