Early Years Home Learning Project (Bring to School on Monday 16th September)
All About Me
We would like your child to complete a project all about themselves. They will then be able to share it with others in September so that the teachers and other children can find out more about them.
Once your child starts school, they will become familiar with language such as ‘special’ and ‘unique.’ We will also be looking at similarities and differences within the class and finding out which activities and hobbies the children enjoy.
This type of learning is covered in different areas of our curriculum, such as ‘People and Communities’ and ‘Speaking.’
The key areas of focus for this learning project are:
- Things that make me special and unique
- Things that I can do well
- People who are special to me
- Things that are special to me
- Special things that I enjoy doing
Monday 16th September - Children bring their project into school to discuss in groups.
Please use a shoe-box sized cardboard box to create a ‘Me Box’. Inside will be things that describe your child and their life.
Some things that could be included:
- A medal, certificate or uniform from a hobby or club.
- Photos of people who are special to you.
- Draw or create a self-portrait.
- Create a photographic timeline from a baby to child.
- Objects from a holiday or special event.
- An object belonging to a pet
- A favourite story or poem
- Drawing about things you did over the holidays
- A Poster with facts about themselves
- A paper plate with drawing or painting of your favourite food
- Equipment from a favourite activity or sport such as goggles or a paint brush.
This list is just a rough guide and you can include as much or as little of the above ideas as you like – as well as your own ideas!
*Please note these boxes will be in school for a little while and therefore should not include any special toys, objects, photos etc. Any special object can have a photo of it included instead. We can take no responsibility for any items that may become broken or misplaced*